The perfect preparation for passing the theory driving test. We have set up an extra room in our driving school for theory preparation, where you can study undisturbed all day from Monday to Sunday. The learning subscription and thus the access authorisation is valid until you pass the theory test. Our questionnaires on the computer are always up to date. In addition, professional support is available from Monday to Friday between 4.00 pm and 7.00 pm.
- CHF 10.- One evening
- CHF 90.- Subscription
- Free with Easy-Drive loyalty voucher
- CHF 30.- Deposit for the access card
The questionnaire training should be attended before the theoretical examination.
Learning times:
- Every day (Monday - Sunday)
- Mit subscription: Monday - Friday: 8am - 9pm / Saturday & Sunday: 8am - 6pm
In the theory centre from Monday to Friday from 4pm to 7pm and Saturday from 1pm to 4pm.