
2Phase course / WAB

Path to a permanent driver's licence cat. B

WAB Deutsch

Path to a permanent driver's licence cat. B

2Phasen-Kurse - WAB-Kurse

Zweiphasen Kurs Uebersicht - 1

Zweiphasen Kurs Uebersicht - 2

Zweiphasen Kurs Uebersicht - 3

Zweiphasen Kurs Uebersicht - 4

Zweiphasen Kurs Uebersicht - 5


Course Costs:

Variant 1 - with your own car

  • from CHF 369.-

Variant 2 - with the Easy-Drive car

  • from CHF 399.-


Course Content:

The two-phase training continues the basic training of new drivers after they have passed their driving test. The aim is to gain initial practical experience as a driver of a motor vehicle and to check one's own behaviour in road traffic.
This takes place within the framework of a 7-hour further training course (WAB) on a training ground. The 2-phase course must be attended within the first 12 months after passing the driving test. A valid driving licence or a valid driving permit is a prerequisite for attending the 2-phase course. Our driving school offers the 2-phase course in 2 variants: either with your own car or with the Easy-Drive driving school vehicle.


WAB - with your own car

WAB - with Easy-Drive car

2Phase courses - FAQ